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Use Mobissue for Your Next Mobile Publications

Try to Get Started Today!

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$9.9 / month
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$16 / month
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$15 / month
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$399 / year
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Mobissue Hosting 500G 800G 1000G Unlimited Unlimited
Uploads / month 1000 5000 10000 Unlimited Unlimited
Watermark Embed Yes No No No No
Pages Per publications 500 1000 2000 3000 unlimited
Amount of Publish to Local Computer 5/month 30/month unlimited unlimited
Multi-User Account 1 1 1 3 10
PDF Conversion
Image Conversion
Animation Editor new-function
Advanced Event Editor new-function
Multimedia Elements(embed audio, video and links; add/delete pages)
Create WordPress Plug-in
Access Statistics
Search Engine Optimization
Add Audio Hyperlink to Background
Social Media Integration
Tracking with Google Analytics
Text Version (for SEO)
HTML or Zip Publication
Custom Logo/Branding
Password Protection
Import Links
FTP Uploader
Customize Looks and Functionality
Keyword Searching
Notifications & ADs
Desktop Version
Share on Social Networks
Show/Hide Tool Buttons
Custom Background Color
Mobile ready
Subscription for Mobissue Authors
Newsstand Embedding & Viewing on Mobile
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$9.9 / month
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$16 / month
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$15 / month
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$399 / year
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Frequently Asked Qusetions

What are the differences between the free version and the paid version?

The free version of Mobissue provides users with basic features, allowing users to convert a PDF and Images file to a Mobile magazine; however there will be a Mobissue logo on the published Mobile magazine. In addition, access to the advanced features like Animation Editor to add video, Animation and audio is forbidden.

Why don't I see anything about page view limits?

That's why there are none! Share it, tweet it - get it out there. The more people read your content, the better your business will do. It is a win-win!

How can I pay for the order of your software?

When you're ready to pay, you can pay via PayPal any time. Each month PayPal will bill your account automatically if you choose the PRO or GOLD plan. Cancel anytime - we hope you don't, but you can!

Can I publish my Mobile magazine to my own server?

Yes, but only for paid users. Once you choose any of the paid plans, you can publish the mobile publiscations to local computer or directly to your FTP server. However, the number of local publishing varies according to the plan you choose: 5/month for Pro, 30/month for Gold, and unlimited for Platinum and Enterprise.

Is there a maximum number of publishings that may be developed, launched, and stored onto Mobissue Cloud?

No, there isn’t a maximum number. You can create, publish and store unlimited publications onto Mobissue Cloud.

How secure are Mobissue Cloud?

Mobissue Cloud employs Amazon S3 to store your Mobile magazine data, which can protect your data from losing and leaking. So your book data is highly secured!

Is there any additional cost for Support, Upgrade and Cloud Hosting?

No, there is no additional cost for Support, Upgrade and Cloud Hosting, you just need to pay for the Plan monthly/yearly, or pay one-time fee for the Enterprise Plan.

Is there any way for others to manage my published Mobile magazine using their own accounts?

Yes, you can choose Platinum or Enterprise Plan. By choosing Platinum, your Mobile magazine can be accessed and managed by 3 different accounts; while Enterprise Plan allows 10 accounts to manage the created online Mobile magazine.

Where are the Mobile magazine stored? Is my book data secured?

By using Mobissue Upload Service, you are to agree to store your Mobile magazine on Mobissue Server, and you can make your books available online without hosting a website. And Mobissue Upload Service employs Amazon S3 Service to store your book data, which can better protect your data from losing and leaking.

Can users have different operating systems? Or an account having different operating systems?

User with a registered account can use Mobissue on different operating systems, e.g., Windows and Mac.

What types of encryption protection is included with Mobissue Cloud?

Mobissue Cloud protects the integrity and confidentiality of your data with 3 types of encryption protection: Data Integrity: High-secured Amazon S3 ensures the integrity of your stored data. Layered Encryption: Employ high-grade TLS encryption and 256-bit AES multi-layered encryption. Privacy & Security Policies: Protect data from losing and sharing with strict policies and terms of service.

They trust us!

Rob King

Educational Goods and Services

"Probably the best mobile magazine MAKER on the market right now...can even integrate Google Analytics to check out the traffic of your online magazine and it's also able to make any created magazine SEO friendly, by indexing the text from PDF files as well as optimizing page title and metadata!"

Kieran Griffin

Director of Production/Design

"More often than I expected, I do a ton of iphone magazines for my business and am always looking for the next best high quality software that will boost conversions of sales to my customers and this program does it for me. Thanks a ton.."

Amy Bulger

Magazine Editor

"Nice software! Wooooooooooo!This software help me as much as i want. i start my business with it and now i am the alone person in my street who create the best mobile magazine and page editor, really i am most popular in my area. thanks Mobissue"

Try Mobissue free and experience increased efficiency and productivity

Free for use, Support, Upgrade and Cloud, but with features limited, and with Mobissue watermark on the published books.

1. Pay monthly ($9.9/month) for Pro features and book editing;

2. Once you cancel the service, the Mobile Magazines you created during the renting period will not be active and our system will keep them for a long period of time. If you want to continue to use your Mobile Magazines, please subscribe our service again.

1. Pay monthly ($16/month) for Gold features and book editing;

2. Once you cancel the service, the Mobile Magazines you created during the renting period will not be active and our system will keep them for a long period of time. If you want to continue to use your Mobile Magazines, please subscribe our service again.

1. Pay yearly ($199/year) for Platinum features and book editing (15% discount);

2. Once you cancel the service, the Mobile Magazines you created during the renting period will not be active and our system will keep them for a long period of time. If you want to continue to use your Mobile Magazines, please subscribe our service again.

One-time fee ($399) with all features included. Permanent access to Support, Upgrade, Cloud, All Features, Previous Created Books, Book Editing and Book Sharing.
There is a Mobissue logo on the book created by Free version. However, Premium users including Pro, Gold, Platinum and Enterprise users can remove the Mobissue logo directly or replace it with their own logo.
The maximum pages for one upload.
The number of books that you are allowed publish to local computer. You can upload the output local book publications to your own server and run them on your websites.
The number of account(s) that has/have access to the created books according to Plan, e.g, Gold Plan: Books can be accessed by only 1 account for $15 monthly; Platinum Plan: Books can be accessed by 3 accounts for a total $199 yearly.
Publish Mobile Magazines to local computer.
No catch, just pure FREE magazine hosting servers for everyone! Mobissue company offers professional hosting servers absolutely free and forever.
PDF magazine upload limitation per month. For pro user, there is no file upload limitation per month.
Convert pdf to online mobile html5 magazine and view on iPhones, iPads, Android and other mobile devices to get the very best digital experience.
Upload your pictures and create your very own personalized html5 magazine.
Build-in HTML5 Animation Editor, simple and powerful editor that allows you to create stunning HTML5 animations and interactive content on your mobile magazine.
Add and customize interactive HTML5-based events on mobile magazine without coding.
Unique Page/Issue views and Visitor Loyalty Statistics: list for statistics, which lets you quickly access both page and issue stats for the selected mobile issue.
Create a title, description, keywords and set the SEO link for all of your mobile magazine page. improving the ranking of your online pdf mobile magazine on search engines and making them visible to a wider audience.
Give your readers the opportunity to share your digital mobile content with their entire network all the while increasing your brand's visibility and awareness.
Integrates Google Analytics which will help you collect statistics of your mobile content.
Texts, links and images extracted from your PDF file are used to create a special SEO version of your mobile publication, which will be optimized for search engines.
Mobissue have a logo to brand your business, use the custom setting tool to customize a distinctive logo of your own!.
Protect your publication with several layers of security, from simple passwords and encryption, to restricting them to be displayed only on specific websites.
Keep the links of the source PDF and make them active links in the output mobile content.
Build-in FTP Uploder to upload your mobile content to cloud hosting or your own FTP.