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Vacation Rental Cleaning in Seattle – 3 Important Tips

If you're planning on renting out your home as a vacation rental in Seattle, you should keep a few things in mind when it comes to cleaning. This blog post will share three essential tips for vacation rental cleaning in Seattle.

1. Start with a deep clean.

Before you start listing your vacation rental, you must thoroughly clean the entire property. It means getting rid of dust, dirt, or grime built over time. Not only will this make your rental more inviting to guests, but it will also help you avoid any negative reviews about the cleanliness of your property.

2. Don't forget about the little things.

When cleaning your vacation rental, paying attention to the little details is essential. It ensures all surfaces are wiped down, carpets are vacuumed, and floors mopped. You should also pay attention to areas like door handles, light switches, and remote controls – to know more: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=4805313204549918677